Contact Us

If you want more information or to request a demo, get in touch by filling out your details below.

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How much does it cost?

We offer MyOpNotes to NHS Trusts on an initial free trial basis. Following the initial trial, it moves to a paid model based on the number of cases. Regardless, MyOpNotes is committed to always being cost effective and has functions designed to increase revenues for hospitals (e.g. OPCS code suggestions).

Who owns the data?

MyOpNotes positions as a Data Processor for Data Controller clients and engages in personal data processing. The relevant NHS Trust client always remains the Data Controller and determines the purpose and means MyOpNotes follows for the processing of its personal data. MyOpNotes may perform activities on personal data (such as, but not limited to, collection, structuring, storage, use or disclosure).  MyOpNotes complies with contracted processes and procedures for its clients.

I am a surgeon, how can I get involved?

We are always keen for surgeons to be involved. Please contact us here.

Can I make my own template?

Yes. All templates can be edited and adjusted, including the ability for surgeons to create their own specific templates.

How easy is it to install?

Installation is not required making MyOpNotes very easy to install and deploy within your hospital. It will run on any internet browser and alternatively can be downloaded as a standalone programme on all operating systems. It can also integrate into your current electronic health record system making the whole process seamless.

I represent an NHS Trust, how do I get MyOpNotes deployed in my hospital?

Please contact us here and we would be glad to discuss more with you.